Our first NICU Give back

Those doors...so much happened to me and my family just inside those doors.
I’ve walked through them terrified, worried, sad, mad, in pain, feeling desperate, feeling alone, feeling happy, feeling proud, hobbling from a c-section days earlier, thanking God, crying out to God and even mad at God.

But today...was different! I brought my boys and my dad and we got to feel PURE JOY because we dropped off out first ever donation of Wonderfully Made swaddles, hats and notes to our NICU. The one the saved my boys, the ones that held our hands, that eased our journey, that cheered with us and for our boys! My husband and both of my boys were patients at St. Ann’s NICU and I’m eternally grateful.

Though we dropped off at the door and didn’t get to deliver in person we found out that our swaddles went to some very special little patients! A mom who was struggling today, an IVF journey momma, a few long term patients and even one going HOME.
Hug your little ones and never forget how blessed we are that they’re safely in our arms.