Our Story


Just over six years ago, my son Hudson entered the world at just 30 weeks, weighing only 2 lbs. The subsequent 70 days spent in the NICU were a profound journey, during which I witnessed the incredible beauty and resilience of every child in that room.

Regardless of their diagnoses or circumstances, it became evident that each one was undeniably Wonderfully Made...

“For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother's womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well.” Psalm 139:13-14 

As parents and caregivers, we are often uncertain about the future of these resilient little fighters, and this uncertainty can be heart-wrenching and devastating. One certainty, however, is that each day is a precious gift. Let's commemorate the small victories, cherish the minor milestones, and shower these little ones with love. God undoubtedly has significant plans and a purpose for each miraculous child sent into our lives.

So, you might be wondering how I ended up starting this company – and if you're curious, here's the scoop!

I still vividly remember the day Hudson hit a big milestone – the first time he got to be swaddled. For those tiny preemies, it was a huge deal! I was so excited and rushed to a store to grab some blankets, but couldn't find exactly what I had in mind.

Craving something special, super soft, and boyishly unique, I left the store feeling a bit bummed, settling for whatever was on the shelf. Little did I know, that day sparked the beginning of Wonderfully Made. When Hudson came home on oxygen support, it was a tough time for my husband and me. To distract me from the constant monitors and wires, he surprised me with watercolor supplies. Painting became my escape, a way to dream of brighter days and trust in God's provision.

Looking back on that experience and processing my own struggles, I felt a calling from God to create a brand that honored our family's journey and offered encouragement to others facing similar challenges.

Now, Hudson is a lively, happy little guy, and my vision for Wonderfully Made has grown into a passion-fueled business. I'm on a mission to share our story, shine a light on the NICU experience, and spread hope for life after the NICU.

At Wonderfully Made Baby, every design is hand-painted by me in watercolor, printed on our custom blend fabric that's wonderfully soft and perfectly stretchy. Plus, a portion of all proceeds goes to supporting NICU families.

Thanks for being part of this journey, my friend.

Melissa Gallagher

Owner & Designer

Wonderfully Made Baby